Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Starting This Blog, Learning C++

Starting This Blog

I started this blog because I thought it would be a good idea to record my thoughts on computer science as I delve into the subject.


I will tend to be brief. I will assume a cooperative disposition of my reader but no more. If I have an uncommon opinion I will state it is uncommon. Jokes and sarcasm will be abundant. In fact, theses will be so abundant that it may make you ask "is this whole blog a joke?" Perhaps it is. Or maybe it is a subtly sarcastic criticism of programming blogs and everything I write is in some way mocking the kind of person that writes such blogs and the kind that reads such blogs. We will have no way of knowing.

The Past and The Present

Recently, I've started learning C++. I figured understanding python and C was insufficient for industry programming and internships and so I began reading Accelerated C++ by Koening and Moo. I am almost finished with the text and it has been fantastic. It is clear, concise and rigorous (well, as rigorous as CS texts come). More to come on this later. This is just an introductory post.

Here's a joke. This is how you should explain recursion to a friend you secretly don't like very much:

You: "Hey <friend>! Let me explain recursion to you."

Friend: "Ok."

You: "If you understand recursion, we're done. Otherwise, all you need to understand recursion is to notice patterns and understand recursion."